Home News Eduardo Barrichello switches to Pabst for second USF2000 season

Eduardo Barrichello switches to Pabst for second USF2000 season

by Ida Wood

Photo: Indianapolis Motor Speedway

Eduardo Barrichello, son of former Ferrari Formula 1 racer Rubens, will return to USF2000 next year with Pabst Racing.

The 18-year-old Brazilian?raced in the championship this year with Miller Vinatieri Motorsports and then DEForce Racing, picking up two top-five finishes and ending up 11th in the standings.

His first car racing experience came in United States F4 the year before, where he was 20th in the standings for the DC Autosport with Cape Motorsports team. He also raced in the NACAM F4 support event at this year’s Mexican Grand Prix.

?I can’t wait to drive the #22 Pabst car, and start working with the whole crew,? said Barrichello.

?I’m really looking forward to having an amazing year with their support, and I am sure I will learn a lot from the team.

“My goal for the year is to always be battling for podiums and wins, and to also have a lot of fun!?

Barrichello is Pabst’s second signing, as it retains 16-year-old Yuven Sundaramoorthy for a second season.

“I think that having Yuven as a team-mate this year will be really good, as we [have] known each other for quite a long time.

“We raced karts together, and that will make us push each other to the limit every time we hit the track.?

Pabst owner Augie Pabst also commented on the team’s latest recruit.

?Having had our eye on Eduardo throughout the 2019 season, his growth as a driver was evident,” he said.

?I think Eduardo will be standing on the podium on a regular basis in 2020.?