Home Featured Alessio Lorandi makes Trident switch in GP3

Alessio Lorandi makes Trident switch in GP3

by Peter Allen

Photo: Zak Mauger/GP3 Series Media Service

Alessio Lorandi has joined Trident for his second full year in GP3.

The 19-year-old Italian joins from Jenzer Motorsport, with which he came seventh in the 2017 standings.

He won the reversed-grid second race at Jerez and also made the race one podium at Barcelona and Silverstone.

He tested for Trident – which won four reversed-grid races last year – on all three days of the post-season test in Abu Dhabi in December.

?Being in my second GP3 Series season, there is only one possible goal: fighting for the title,” he said.

“I think that Team Trident has the staff and work ethics needed to accomplish the feature.

“In addition, my quick and experienced team-mates will motivate me to push even harder.

“Last but not least, for the first time in my career I will race with an Italian team and I’m determined to reward everybody at Team Trident for their trust and support with some outstanding results.”

Lorandi joins Giuliano Alesi and Ryan Tveter has confirmed in Trident’s 2018 line-up.

Pedro Piquet completed the team’s quartet throughout the Abu Dhabi test.

?We are extremely satisfied to announce the deal with Alessio Lorandi,” said team manager Giacomo Ricci.

“He will surely be able to continue the great tradition in terms of results scored by Italian drivers under our banner.

“Alessio impressed our technical staff in testing and I’m sure that we have everything we need to aim for some excellent results together.

“Alessio will make our driver roster even more competitive.”