Photo: Formel 4.dk
Danish Formula 4 will be renamed Nordic 4 next year as it continues its alliance with the Formula Renault 1.6-spec Formula Nordic series.
The two Scandinavian series spent 2022 in talks about partnering up, and at the end of the year confirmed they would share grids at some rounds for 2023. That involved Danish F4 visiting Sweden twice, and FNordic drivers having a Danish round.
The motivations behind the move were similar on both sides. FNordic needed competitive grid sizes to be maintained before potentially introducing second-generation F4 cars in three or four years’ time, while Danish F4 needed to keep grid sizes up in anticipation of a point where the declining interest in the Formula Ford-based Formula 5 cars meant it could no longer share grids with them.
- Read more: How Danish F4 sees itself, and its future (2022)
It was a successfully implemented plan, and for next season Nordic 4 will grow its calendar from six to seven rounds.
“Only the name changes when Denmark’s official talent series becomes Nordic 4 in 2024,” read the series’ announcement.
“The name change is happening due to guidelines from the FIA, which are no longer feasible under Danish conditions. This includes replacing the current first-generation cars with the newer generation. According to promoter Alex Stubberup Frederichsen, this would be detrimental to Danish talent development:
“We have something really good going on for upcoming Danish talents, and there is more interest in the class than ever before. Although FIA’s requirements are well-intentioned, the economic consequences would mean that very few could afford to drive a formula car here in Denmark. Therefore, it was not a difficult decision to let go of the name in favor of holding onto the talents.”
The decision has been made in consultation with Dansk Automobil Sports Union, and with the new, Nordic-sounding name, there is an intention to continue collaboration with similar classes in Scandinavia:
“This season, we have had two races on Swedish tracks and also had the drivers from FNordic join us for the final race at Jyllandsringen. It has been educational experiences for drivers in both championships, so we are working to continue that into the new season.”
The Nordic 4 championship continues as before with a combination of F4 and F5 cars on a mix of Danish and Swedish tracks on the race calendar.”
Padborg Park hosts the 2024 season opener on April 27/28, with round two taking place two weeks later at Jyllandsringen.
Next up is the first Swedish round at Karlskoga (June 1/2), then teams head back to Denmark to race at Ring Djursland (June 22/23). The high-speed Falkenberg track is location of the second Swedish round on July 13/14, and trips to Padborg Park (September 13/14) and Jyllandsringen (September 28/29) conclude the season.