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Yelloly loses third spot on Valencia grid to technical exclusion

by Peter Allen

Photo: Alastair Staley/GP3 Series Media Service

Nick Yelloly has been stripped of his third-place starting position on the grid in GP3 at Valencia, together with 13th-placed Lewis Williamson, after their cars were found to not comply with the regulations after qualifying.

Yelloly was second fastest in practice and then third in qualifying, but will now be forced to start from the back of the grid after his Carlin car did not meet the required dimensions, breaching Article 4.1 of the technical regulations.

Williamson was also excluded after his Bamboo Engineering car was not found to comply with the high roll back calliper seals, breaching Article 1.6.

Meanwhile, Patrick Kujala will also start from the rear after he was given a ten-place grid penalty for overtaking Koiranen GP team-mate Aaro Vainio under a red flag. He had originally qualified 19th.

After Yelloly’s exclusion, ART’s Facu Regalia will now start third ahead of Vainio, Kevin Korjus and Tio Ellinas.